Well..It’s official, Winter is really here, and now it’s time to cuddle up and stay warm!

What better way to accomplish both of those things than with your favorite campfire treat mixed with hot chocolate?!
Such an amazingly delicious combination!

Whip up a batch of your best hot chocolate, rim your mug with some Marshmallow Fluff and dip it into some crushed Graham Cracker crumbs!
Carefully pour the hot chocolate into your adorable mug, and top it with a giant scoop of the Marshmallow Fluff!
Torching the whole thing is optional, however, what’s a S’more without burnt marshmallows..hmm? 

So grab your blanky, fuzzy socks and a book and enjoy staying warm!  Happy Winter!! 🙂

*HINT* Unless you really like the look of a marshmallow mustache..use a spoon to get started!

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