Pancakes have now reached levels never before imagined!  This sweet stack is where Italy meets ‘Whoa’…in the BEST way possible!  Fluffy Cinnamon Pancakes are lovingly layered with sweet Ricotta, studded with mini Chocolate Chips, dripping in sticky cascades of Syrup and a light dusting of Powdered Sugar & Cocoa Powder!  …Oh My!


What you’ll need:

Pancake Mix…as much as you’d like to make according to your box instructions!

1-15oz. container of Ricotta

1 splash of Vanilla Extract

4 cups Powdered Sugar..and some for dusting!

1 tbs. Cinnamon

1/2 cup UNSWEETENED  Cocoa Powder

1 cup Mini Chocolate Chips



Mix up the Pancake Batter and toss in a tablespoon of Cinnamon~

Cook up those Pancakes.

In a medium bowl combine the Ricotta, 4 cups of Powdered Sugar and splash of Vanilla…set aside.

Let the Pancakes cool just a bit and then start layer ing them with that  fluffy, sweet Ricotta…

And a dusting of Cocoa Powder…

And keep on -a- stacking, as high as you’d like to go…like this!

NOW~  Lets top it with some Chocolate Chips shall we?! …

Grab that fork and don’t forget the Syrup!!  ….now, go for it!  ~Enjoy!  🙂



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