How great is Monkey Bread?  Those soft & fluffy dough puffs that are super-soaked in all of life’s most ultimate goodie goodness….thick, sweet, nutty, cinnamony, buttery decadence! It just doesn’t get much better than that…unless, you can have that scrumptious sauce at your service, anytime you’d like.

Ice Cream? …Monkey Bread Sauce!  Apple Pie? …Monkey Bread Sauce!  Bread Pudding? …Monkey Bread Sauce!  Empty Spoon? …YWP~ Monkey Bread Sauce!  Just do this, keep it on hand in your Fridge at all times!

~A quick zap in the microwave and BOOM…you can “Monkey Bread” anything you can get your sugar-loving hands on! 🙂

What you’ll need for one jar of ‘Monkey Bread’ Sauce (double for more)

1/2 cup (one stick) of Melted Butter

1 cup Brown Sugar..packed

1/2 cup of Chopped Pecans…optional

3 tablespoons of Sweetened Condensed Milk

1 tablespoon of Ground cinnamon


In a medium pot melt the Butter over a gentle heat, don’t let the Butter burn…

Now, add the Brown Sugar and mix until it’s combined…

Drizzle in the Sweetened Condensed Milk…

Add the Cinnamon, and stir until it’s all blended…

Gently mix in the Pecans…

Take it off of the heat and set it aside to cool…

Pour it into an adorable, refrigerator safe jar…

Start pouring it over anything you can think of…

Duhh…Like ice Cream…

Dig in…dig deep!  ~Enjoy!  🙂


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