Well…it’s official..the day that LOTS of people will just LOVE!  It’s National S’mores Day!  YEP~~  that’s right , an entire day dedicated to one of the best sweet & creative combinations ever invented!  The S’More!  That beautiful marriage of gooey, crunchy and chocolaty, all mushed together in one big old glorious ‘mess’!  The S’more~  that wonderful, never ending idea flavor factory that has graced the internet one gooey finger at a time…over and over again!

~Let’s rejoice with a moment of silence…lol!  🙂

Today we will take Cheesecake to the S’More level of greatness, by combining 2 of our favorite things and creating the tastiest dessert love child of ALL time!

Sweet, thick Cheesecake rests gently upon a bed of Graham Crackers and topped with a blanket of toasty, ooey-gooey scrumptious Marshmallows..and if that’s not enough…the whole shebang is literally dripping in Chocolate~  Ahhh…cue the Angels!

You can totally prepare the filling ahead of time, and just keep it chilled until you’re ready to assemble the dessert!

What you’ll need:

A square disposable ti baking pan…less work for you!

Graham Crackers  ..about one sleeve.

1=12 oz. container of softened Cream Cheese

1 cup Sugar

3 eggs

a splash of Vanilla

Chocolate Frosting..for drizzling!


Lay an even layer of Graham crackers to the bottom of the pan.

In a processor (or with a spoon and some muscles) combine the Cream Cheese, Sugar, Eggs and Vanilla until smooth…

This mixture can be stored in an air tight container and chilled until you’re ready to assemble the dessert!

When you’re ready to make the dessert, pour the mixture over the Graham Crackers and bake it at 350 degrees, for approx. 20 – 25 minutes, or until it’s firm and just starting to get golden…

Top to with as many Marshmallows as you can get to fit in a single layer and put it back into the oven for about 5 minutes or so…

Just until the Marshmallows puff up and get a little bit dark…

Heat up the chocolate frosting…

…and drizzle it over the top while it’s warm…  BOOM~INSTANT GLAZE!

Scoop out the BEST dessert mash-up EVER and taste the sweet satisfaction!   ~Enjoy!



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