Mooove OVER waffles.. fried chicken has upgraded!

Yep, that’s right… fried chicken has found a new, a softer, a sweeter, a fluffier, place to lay its head wing, and once you try this, there’s no going back to that regular-shmegular dry waffle! 

At first glance, this combo might seem a wee bit extra, BUT.. just give it one bite.. one savory, sweet, tender, crunchy bite~ and you too will be a new fan!

What you’ll need:

Uhhh.. you need fried chicken, and cinnamon rolls! mmhmm.. that’s IT!


Uhhh.. just stick some fresh fried chicken down into a fresh cinnamon roll, and drizzle the whole shebang with some cinnamon roll frosting. 

Serve warm, take a bite, die, go to heaven… repeat! ~Enjoy! 🙂


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