Oh geez!  Sometimes my food imagination gets the best of me and I end up with a pants splitting great new version of a classic.  I mean, it’s not like a Brie sandwich was ever low calorie, but seriously..sandwiching the world’s most fattening cheese in between 2 pieces of toasty, buttered apple bread..come on! 
And by bread I mean cake..I just don’t want to say the word “cake” because somehow that makes it even more fattening!  So let’s just call it bread, ok?…thanks! 🙂  Whatever you decide to call it, you just have to try it, at the very least..add it to your bucket list!

What you’ll need:

1 box of your favorite apple cake/bread mix
Brie Cheese
Lots of will power  😉

Bake up the apple bread, and let cool
Slice it up about 1″ in thickness
Butter the slices, sandwich the brie in between each slice and grill it up..like you would a grilled cheese!

Prepare to indulge in one of the most decadent, and amazing sandwiches EVER!  The moist apple bread with the warm and creamy Brie is sinfully delicious!~Enjoy!  🙂

*HINT*  If this just isn’t enough goodness for you, drizzle some honey over each bite..or smear some fig jam on the inside before grilling..Mmm!

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