It’s official~  I’ve lost my ever-loving, recipe creating mind with this one!  I have no excuses, no alibi, no reason..well, I sort of have a reason.  I somehow ended up with extra beer batter and I thought it was just too good to pour down the sink.  I also saw that angelic yellow glow from a bag of Chips from across the room (you know that glow) ..and it hit me..BOOM~  Beer Battered Chips!

It’s no biggie really right? >  I just did what anyone would do..I fried, fried chips that have already been fried.  WAIT..I know…please stay..haha!

Seriously, if you think I’m crazy, just make a big batch of these for the next game.  You’ll have your beer and chips all in one bite, and they will be gone before you can curse my name!  Trust me..they’re DELICIOUS crispy little beer flavored, toasty chips that will have you questioning your own sanity before you can come back here and apologize to me..LOL!  😉

What you’ll need for a giant pile of Chips (feel free to halve the recipe for less):


Oil for frying..I used Canola!

For the Beer Batter~

1 bottle of your fave Beer

1-1/2 cups flour

2 tbsp. baking powder

salt and pepper to taste


In a large bowl combine the beer batter ingredients un tip it’s smooth… A pancake batter consistency is what you’re looking for, so adjust your ratios accordingly.

Gently dip both sides of a single chip into the batter, and carefully lay in the hot (350 degree) oil.  Fry until they’re golden on both sides,,,it only takes seconds, so watch them!  🙂

Let them cool and drain a bit on some paper towel.  Another sprinkle of salt doesn’t hurt either, and then dig in!

~Watch how fast they go..enjoy!  🙂



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