This started out as a fun little kitchen experiment, and quickly turned into something really delicious..I just love when that happens!  But seriously, when you hit the heat with that Big Mac and squish it inside that Panini/Waffle maker, something magical happens, and all of a sudden it’s no longer just a Big’s fancy, and SO tasty!

The bun gets so buttery and crispy (who knew?) and the burger becomes one with all of the toppings, brining out some incredible Big Mac flavors (who knew?)… to create a five star flavor on a one star budget LOL!  (who knew?

In a matter of minutes, you can impress all of your lower-class neighborhood friends and become a true ‘munchy culinary connoisseur’ HAHA!

So get to that drive-thru and order with a refined tone in your voice, make a few of these and feel good about yourself!!  P.S…this method also does amazing things to McD’s me!  😉

You will LOVE them…make LOTS and get out your best $2 bottle of wine!!

What you’ll need:

McDonald’s Burgers

A Panini OR Waffle Maker

No shame…

…that’s it!


Place the burgers into the panini OR waffle maker and let it go until it’s hot, melty, gooey, and crispy!

Eat it HOT!  …make more! Drink wine.. ~Enjoy! 🙂

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