When it comes to booze, I think I’ve probably corrupted almost every innocent-edible thing imaginable.. If it’s even remotely tasty, you can bet I’m not far from drenching it in liquor.  ~Sorry Mom!

And when I say liquor, I really mean the good old fashioned hard stuff.. that’s right, I’m talking about Whiskey.  There really isn’t much in this world that a little whiskey can’t improve.. people included..haha.

Anyway, today I’ve created the perfect balance between rich, creamy, and decadent cheesecake with the harsh, yet flavorful bite of whiskey and let me tell you.. this is a match made in boozy-dessert heaven!

It’s SO good that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to eat a sober piece of cheesecake ever again..

What you’ll need:

one cheesecake, I used a store bought brand, but feel free to use homemade.

1 container of dark chocolate frosting

2 tbsp. whiskey..your choice

sweetened cocoa powder for garnish

nuts for garnish..optional


Add some nuts of your choice to the edges of the cheesecake..this is totally optional…

In a medium bowl combine the frosting (slightly warming up the frosting really helps) with the whiskey…

Simply pour the boozy chocolate all over the cheesecake..

Be generous with the boozy sauce, so it does THIS…

Don’t forget some rich, and sweet cocoa powder!

NOW, you can serve it up…

And possibly .. uh, share some..?!





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