Custom Designs
We believe that giving to others gives us the greatest joy. That is why we created the ultimate thoughtful expression of goodwill- customizable lollipops! Whether you need lollipops for wedding favors, birthday parties, baby showers and beyond, we’ll create the perfect compliment to your theme. Request a no-obligation quote today!
Our mission
Our mission at Fiddlestix is to make people smile! We hope that as you carefully choose the perfect lollipop flavor and message for your friends and family you get to experience the same anticipation and excitement we do. We know they’re just going to love their lollipops and we hope that treating them makes you smile too.
Over a decade ago I fell in love with baking. It wasn’t because I particularly loved buttercream frosting or finding adorable sprinkles, though those things didn’t hurt. I fell in love with baking because I couldn’t wait to deliver it to some unsuspecting soul and watch their eyes light up. I realized way back then that I simply loved to make people smile. So I did! I baked and decorated delicious cakes, delectable cupcakes, and cute cookies. I hand-delivered them to my customers who were mostly Marines at my husband’s duty station; their Mamas would use my cakes to surprise them on special occasions.
My life took a detour {as most lives do} when our first baby arrived and I set aside my little baking business for motherhood, then for a new job, and soon thereafter for a network marketing business. That network marketing business grew to the point that I was able to leave my full-time job to be home with my babies. We’ve enjoyed several years together and even decided to uproot our family and move to Northwest Montana because… we could!
My network marketing business allowed me the financial and time-freedom to start dreaming and creating again and when I did that I discovered I could marry that same love of making people smile with a new, fun medium: lollipops!
I quickly became obsessed with making the perfect Huckleberry lollipop so I would have a unique way to share a taste of Northwest Montana with my out-of-state family and friends. Through all of the failed batches and sticky messes in that pursuit, Fiddlestix Candy Company was born!
We believe in sharing life’s little moments. From that long-sought-after promotion, to that sweet new baby! Life is short, let’s make it sweet!