
I’m Deana, and I am the owner/founder of Good Dee’s. The journey to this mix has been really long. I have been on a diet on and off for most of my life. I used to be able to lose weight quickly with lower calorie and gym workouts but just as quickly as I lost the weight, it would come back. After I had my son, I wanted to get healthy. I tried to do my lower calorie diet but this time, it wouldn’t work. I could not shake off my pregnancy pounds. I realized I was looking at it all wrong-it was not about pounds anymore, it was about having a healthy relationship with food and to get to a healthy weight that I could maintain properly. I did not want to lose and gain multiple times and I knew this time had to be different. It was time to get healthy-for myself and for my family.

Enter: Low-Carb/High fat (LCHF) lifestyle. Notice I said lifestyle and not diet. After some research, I decided to go the low-carb route (which I had success with before) but I needed to try the high fat. Growing up, fat was the enemy! Diabetes also runs in my family and there has always been a fear of that for me. I grew up seeing my mom having to check her blood sugar levels daily and I did not want to have to do the same. I literally used to think fat free was healthier for me so to go from that mentality to freely eating fat was a lot. But 15 months after my son was born, the weight finally came off. I reached my pre-pregnancy weight after 5 months (over 30 lbs lost) and I am happy to report that I am still around that weight (give or take a few pounds) since January 2014. I have a much healthier relationship with food and with that came my cookies! I realized that if I kept depriving myself and thinking it was a diet, I would fail. I embraced going low-carb and sugar free and looked up alternative sweeteners. Through months of trial and error, I made a cookie that after numerous taste tests with non-LCHF people, got a giant thumbs up.


This is where my mix comes in! I love to cook and I love to be in the kitchen-except now gone are those sugar filled, high carb treats. I started taking my cookies to brunches and dinners and the response was overwhelming. I attended a fashion pop up shop and gave out samples-just to make sure it wasn’t in my head that they were delicious. Again, the response was so uplifting that I decided at that moment, I would sell the cookies. The cookies then transformed into the cookie mix and here we are today. I’ve spent a lot of time to make this cookie just right and extremely simple for you to make at home. You add 1/4 cup of oil or melted butter and 1 egg. That’s it!

I really hope you enjoy the cookie mix as much as I’ve enjoyed having my dream come to life.

Much love,



Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional or nutritionist. This is what worked for me and I am just sharing my personal journey. This is not a weight loss product or low calorie food. Please consult a doctor or medical professional before starting any new program.

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