- 65% reduced risk of Alzheimer’s (Eskelinen et al 2009)
- 40% decreased risk of liver cancer (Bohn et al 2014)
- 24-40% decreased risk for type II diabetes (Ranheim & Halvorsen 2005)
- It is the number one source of antioxidants in the American diet

We’re on a quest to improve people’s health…through coffee.
Toxins in food and the environment, to stress and lack of work-life balance can make us sick–and often we don’t know why. With so much conflicting information out there about what we should be eating to achieve better health, the decision process can be confusing and overwhelming. It often causes people to just throw up their hands and give up.
Habit change is hard. And even when we do make changes, we often don’t know whether or not they’re helping or causing us more problems.
Andrew Salisbury was inspired to start Purity Coffee for this very reason.
A few years ago, Andrew’s wife Amber began to experience debilitating fatigue. After living a normal, active life, she was now struggling to perform her daily activities. She would often go to sleep at 8 p.m. and wake up as exhausted as if she hadn’t slept at all.
Doctors were stumped. Amber and Andrew were frustrated. Medical tests revealed nothing. The couple had been doing everything that healthy adults should: exercising regularly, eating healthy and organic foods, getting regular sleep, and drinking plenty of purified water. Nothing seemed to help.
To get through the day, Amber began drinking copious amounts of coffee–a morning mug or two plus up to six k-cups a day! Andrew was concerned that her coffee drinking might be contributing to her health problems. After all, so much common-knowledge health advice includes cutting coffee out of our diets altogether to improve energy levels.
But Amber had found something that worked for her, and she wasn’t giving it up without proof. So Andrew set out to discover whether a frequent coffee habit was helping or hindering her recovery. Fortunately, the couple got the opportunity to pick the brains of some of the world’s foremost experts from the Vanderbilt University Institute of Coffee Studies. What they learned shocked them.
Coffee is one of the healthiest foods in the Western diet. It’s an established scientific fact, and there are mountains of proof.
Andrew and Amber learned that not only is coffee not unhealthy, but it has been shown to actively improve health. Over 19,000 studies have been done to measure coffee’s health benefits, and their results have overwhelmingly pointed to coffee’s healing properties. Coffee has been shown to decrease risk of diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, Alzheimer’s, and multiple cancers.
And it doesn’t just help a little bit. Research has shown that 3-5 cups of coffee per day has an astonishing array of health benefits.
In this excerpt from an interview conducted with renowned author and Dean of Harvard Medical, Dr. Sanjiv Chopra, we learn that coffee possesses amazing qualities when it comes to healing the body and disease prevention.
Much of these benefits are thanks to antioxidants called chlorogenic acids, or CGAs. These compounds fight the inflammation that can lead to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and all kinds of other life-threatening conditions.
The mind-blowing truth about coffee begged two questions…
The first: Why didn’t more people–specifically doctors–know about the health benefits of coffee?
The second was: Were any other companies producing coffee made with health as the top priority?