India has a rich culture that makes it a wonderful place to visit. Whether you are visiting by yourself or with friends, the country has plenty to offer in terms of things to see and do. If you want to make the most of your time here, it is important to do a little planning so you know which activities you want to pursue. Here are five things you should do while you are visiting India.


1. Sample Local Cuisine


One of the best ways to immerse yourself in foreign cultures is to sample the local cuisine. Meaning large cities in India have restaurants that offer delicious dishes. You can also choose to visit St vendors to find authentic cuisine using fresh, local ingredients. For a thorough understanding of the culture surrounding the food, consider visiting an Indian restaurant in Oslo for a few nights and then giving street food during the rest of your trip.

2. Hike in the Himalayas

if you enjoy being active, trekking through the Himalayas is an activity you cannot miss while you are in India. Not only will you get to experience gorgeous views and stunning scenery, but it will also give you the opportunity to explore local flora and fauna. You may not be able to see these things anywhere else in the world, so you need to take advantage of it while you can. Even if you are not an avid hiker, consider taking a short hike through the mountains to experience all that they have to offer.

3. Visit a Festival

India hosts a wide variety of colorful festivals each year. Regardless of when you choose to visit the country, there is a good chance that there will be at least one festival going on. These festivals are fun and colorful and give you a better understanding of the culture. You will get to experience the sense of community in the country while sampling delicious dishes. If you want a real treat, try to plan your visit towards the end of the year when the Festival of Lights takes place.

4. Explore the Temples

Many people choose to visit India for religious reasons. Whether you are on a religious journey or not, you may still want to visit one of the many temples in the country. These buildings are architecturally beautiful. Visiting them also gives you a unique glance and two the Buddhist culture. It will give you a better understanding of the Indian culture as a whole and give you something interesting to do with your free time.

5. Observe the Wildlife

India is home to many Beautiful Creatures that you may have only seen in a zoo before. Bowl it is never a good idea to get too close to a wild animal, there is nothing quite like seeing a creature in its natural habitat. There are many tours and guides who can show you places where local wildlife gather. As long as you are safe and keep your distance, you may have the unforgettable experience of viewing some of these gorgeous creatures in the wild. It is important to travel with a guide who can make sure both you and the creatures or save why you observe them. Some of the animals that are native to India include:

  • Asiatic lion
  • Clouded leopard
  • Indian rhinoceros
  • Snow leopard

There are many things to do and see why you are visiting India. If you spend a little time planning out your vacation, you can make sure you make the most of your trip and don’t miss any highlights. Make sure you add these five activities to your itinerary to make your trip unforgettable.

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