Sometimes I just have to laugh~  a soft, almost creepy kind of laugh all to myself,  at the fact that I’m not the least bit ashamed of this crazy combo!

I mean..yes, I’m the one who chose to fry this Bacon in a thick coating of umm..Potato Chips… But that doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m crazy, right??!  Just imagine, crispy bacon with a crunchy, salty, and toast coating of our favorite potato snack.

If this is wrong, I don’t want to be right..EVER!  🙂

Sooo here we are~  leave your sanity at the door, and scroll on!  🙂

What you’ll need:

1 lb Bacon..crispy!

2 cups Chips..crushed!

2 eggs mixed with a splash of water!

1 cup of Flour

Oil for frying…I used Canola

3 medium/shallow bowls


Flour into bowl #1…

Eggs into bowl #2…

Crushed Chips into bowl #3.

Take that crispy Bacon…


Take a slice of the crispy Bacon and dust it in the Flour…


Now into the Eggs..


Then get a good, even coating of Chips on there…

In a shallow pan, get your oil to 350 degrees, and fry those babies up…

Drain them on some paper towel, and let them cool!

NOW..dig in..they’ll be gone before you know it!  ~Enjoy!  🙂






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